4D Factory Acquires NEON Media: Pioneering Digital

In a bold move that promises to reshape the media landscape, 4D Factory, a leading media technology holding company, has acquired a majority stake in the Emmy Award-winning startup, NEON Media. This acquisition not only bolsters 4D Factory’s portfolio but also positions NEON Media to further innovate in the rapidly evolving field of virtual production.

NEON Media Joins 4D Factory

Strengthening the Portfolio

Capitalizing on Content and Distribution

Embracing Digital Convergence

A New Era of Production Companies

Transmedia and Virtual Production

Advancing Virtual Production

A woman holding a sword in front of a giant alien

Pushing State-of-the-Art Technology

Leveraging Gaming Expertise

About NEON Media

Pushing State-of-the-Art Technology

About 4D Factory

A computer generated image of a room with a person in it

Innovating Media Technology

Broad Spectrum of Interests